Bank Court upgrades in the works

Bank Court upgrades in the works

UPDATE: According to a post by the ‘Downtown Rock Springs’ Facebook account. The $20,000 grant has been approved.

ROCK SPRINGS – Looking for a new place to enjoy the outdoors in the summertime? Maybe sharing a moment with that special person in the shade or eating outside in the summer sun? A grant to help develop Bank Court will give residents these and other opportunities.

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The grant will be $20,000 for improvements. Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency Director Chad Banks said because of the city’s Main Street title they were able to apply for this grant. There is a 10 percent match on the grant, but Banks explained the match can be in kind.

Banks and Parks Supervisor Mark Lyons have been helping with the plans, and the parks department is going to provide the labor on the improvements to Bank Court. Banks said the labor provided by the parks department is going to be used as a match on the grant.

The money from the grant will be used to purchase the materials needed for the upgrades.

The new improvements will mostly be new furniture. Banks said there will be four new round picnic tables. There also will be four slat benches and three new trash cans.

With the additions, people can sit and enjoy the downtown area. Banks said with the picnic tables; people can grab some food to go from Bitter Creek Brewing, a hamburger from Bi-Rite or some carryout from other downtown restaurants and enjoy Bank Court.

Banks also said they are going to put in a covered pergola which can be used for small gatherings. Banks envisioned an acoustic guitar player entertaining the crowds during the farmers market.

For years, we have seen departments work together to get the most out of events and projects. The Rock Springs Historical Museum has been a leader of teaming for the benefit for the community. Banks said it was important to work closely with other agencies and departments to combine resources for the benefit of the residents. He explained why this partnership with the Rock Springs Parks Department is best for the community.

“They know what works,” Banks explained on materials which will hold up in the Rock Springs weather. “It just makes sense.”

With improvements coming to Bank Court, many people may be asking about the bank building which has sat empty for many years. Banks said the URA was able to obtain a grant which paid for a feasibility study on the building. He said the study is done and should be presented to the Rock Springs City Council next month.

This should help identify uses for the building as well as asbestos mitigation and other improvements. Banks said it also should look at phasing. He explained if the study tells them it needs new windows and doors to start with that could be phase one on the building.