BUSINESSES! Sign Up for Whisler’s Community Trunk or Treat on October 30th

BUSINESSES! Sign Up for Whisler’s Community Trunk or Treat on October 30th

Costumes, candy, prizes and fun.

The 5th Annual Whisler Chevrolet Community Trunk or Treat is all set for the Saturday of Halloween!

Whisler Trunk or Treat
Oct. 30, 2021 from 12 – 5 pm
2200 Foothill Blvd, Rock Springs

RSVP by October 22nd! 👇

Ana Reynolds
(307) 362-5677

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More Information

Whisler Chevrolet would like to cordially invite local businesses and organizations to participate in this fun community event. This function serves as a great place for our children to “gather, connect, and enjoy the festivities”, so join us in bringing our community together for this family-friendly happening.

It promises to be another great year with over 2,000 community residents enjoying “Trunk or Treating”. This event is FREE to all participants.

The theme this year is Whisler’s Chocolate Factory, in line with the Willy Wonka Movie. You may join in on the fun if you’d like. Just choose a scene from the movie and decorate your vehicle.

All they ask is you provide candy or trinkets for the kids and a decorated trunk.

Event Day

  • All participants must stay the duration of the event (12 pm – 5 pm)
  • Set-up is from 9 am – 11am (if you need, you can also set up the evening before)
  • We’d like everyone ready to go by 11am


  • Please be prepared to distribute at least 2,000 individual pieces of candy to Trunk or Treaters
  • No gore- please keep decorations and costumes “kid friendly”
  • Please no real weapons- guns, knives, etc.
  • No open flames, fireworks, or flammable materials
  • Cars must be turned off for the duration of the event
  • No electricity will be available on site (if needed please use battery operated lights)
  • if you plan on having a larger vehicle such as a semi, bus, etc. please contact Whisler
  • Due to COVID-19, social distancing guidelines will be in place- no games and people must be 6ft. apart.


  • Self-sufficient cars, trucks, and booths only; no water or electricity provided.
  • Trash receptacles will be available.

If you would like a space please RSVP by October 22nd
to Ana Reynolds by phone/email/website (307) 362-5677
or or

🎃 Happy Halloween! We’ll see you there.

Follow Whisler Chevrolet Cadillac on Facebook here.

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