Catholics Gather as One for Mass and Picnic

Catholics Gather as One for Mass and Picnic

ROCK SPRINGS– Holy Spirit Catholic Community will be holding its annual Mass and potluck picnic in Bunning Park on Sunday, August 18, at 5 pm.  Anyone who would like to share in this celebration of faith, fellowship, and good food is welcome. 

The Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternity, will sponsor the picnic with help from the Council of Catholic Women.  They will provide burgers, hotdogs, drinks, plates, cups and utensils. 

Everyone interested in gathering with friends and family of all faiths is asked to bring blankets or lawn chairs, and a potluck dish to share.  Boy Scout Troop 8, chartered by Holy Spirit, will have games organized for children.  

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In the event of inclement weather, the gathering will be held up the hill at SCM Parish Center, 624 Bridger Avenue.

Rock Springs Catholic History

Rock Springs Catholic history is closely tied to the Union Pacific Railroad.  Following the completion of the transcontinental railroad, Catholics were served by train at stops along the route.  The first Catholic church building in Rock Springs, Our Lady of Sorrows, was built in 1887. 

Crossing the rail line to attend Mass in those times was quite dangerous, and as more people settled on the north side of the tracks, the need for a second church was pressing. 

In 1912, ground was broken for Saints Cyril and Methodius.  Due to tensions between the various immigrant groups, the churches were separate parishes, led by separate pastors. 

In 1971, the northside and southside schools combined under one principal, beginning the gradual process of both parishes merging into one faith community in 1995. 

To this day, Holy Spirit Catholic School continues to provide a faith-based education to our community.  Responding to community needs, the congregation founded and still hosts the Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, which is now served by an ecumenical board representing local churches. 

In 2006, the Catholic community began gathering in Bunning Park to celebrate its life together.  The Mass has been celebrated in both English and Spanish for several years, a joyful recognition that one third of the parish currently worships in Spanish, furthering our call to be a welcoming immigrant stew.  

The August Mass and picnic is an opportunity for everyone to come together and enjoy our fine summer weather. Holy Spirit Catholic Community hopes to see you there!