Sweetwater County Attorney Daniel Erramouspe has announced his endorsement of John Grossnickle, the Republican candidate running for Sweetwater County Sheriff, on November 6.
The full endorsement letter can be read here:
“I confidently recommend John Grossnickle for the position of Sweetwater County Sheriff.
John has served this community as a law enforcement officer for over 20 years. His rise in the ranks from deputy sheriff to the command staff has been solely based on merit testing. He has earned what he has received. John is known to those he works with as a thorough investigator, reasonable and fair administrator, an innovative thinker, and a strong leader. I know him as a man of character and integrity, who cares deeply for his community.
John has devoted his career and education in the pursuit of improving the state of law enforcement and the community. Outside of his extensive law enforcement experience, he has devoted countless hours as a community volunteer. John has also found time to earn his Masters of Science Degree in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration. This drive to improve his capabilities as a law enforcement officer is only matched by his devotion to Sweetwater County.
I have known John for as long as he has been an officer. He truly wants to see the betterment of law enforcement through a partnership with the community; an innovative, yet practical idea whose time is right. But even more importantly, is John’s dedication to the safety and well-being of the children in our county. Outside of the many hours as a volunteer for youth activities, John has spent substantial time considering the issues facing our children. A review of his platform and interviews over the past six months illuminates his concern for the youth and his consideration on the problems they face. As Sheriff, I have no doubt that John will continue to make the security of our children his top priority.
I have been proud to call John Grossnickle my friend for many years. I am as equally proud to give my endorsement to this good man for the position of Sweetwater County Sheriff.
Daniel Erramouspe
Sweetwater County Attorney”
Paid for by the John Grossnickle for Sheriff
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