SWEETWATER COUNTY — The Sweetwater County Board of County Commissioners will be discussing the Bureau of Land Management’s Rock Springs Resource Management Plan decision on Tuesday.
Land Use Director Eric Bingham will lead the conversation by providing an update on the record of decision. Governor Mark Gordon was in Green River just before the Christmas holiday, on the very day the BLM issued its record of decision for the RMP. The Sweetwater County commissioners and other area lawmakers were in a meeting with the governor, and the conversation quickly turned towards actions the state could take to try to halt the RMP before it goes into place.
During the discussion with Governor Gordon, he said the state has a few options including utilizing the Congressional Review Act, initiating an amendment to the RMP, or entering a lawsuit against the BLM.
In other business, the commissioners will also have re-elected commissioners Mary Thoman and Taylor Jones take the Oath of Office during their meeting Tuesday, conducted by Third District Court Judge Richard Lavery.
The county commissioners will meet Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 9 a.m. at the Sweetwater County Courthouse in Green River. To view the full meeting agenda and documents, click here.