LANDER — A Bureau of Land Management road grader was vandalized over the Fourth of July holiday weekend near the Sweetwater Station intersection of U.S. Highway 287 and Wyoming Highway 135. A concerned citizen reported the vandalism to the BLM.
Further investigation revealed that the glass was shot out of the parked grader, along with additional damage. Replacing the windows and other repairs may take several weeks, which will result in delays to needed road improvements in the BLM Lander Field Office area.
“Unprecedented winter and spring precipitation damaged many public roads in our area,” said BLM Lander Field Manager John Elliott. “Our equipment operators were in the midst of repairs and, unfortunately, this vandalism sets us back.”
The BLM is investigating. If you were in the area over the extended holiday weekend and noticed the road grader either before or after it was damaged, please contact BLM law enforcement at (406) 896-5150 or (307) 347-5124.