Former Green River City Councilman Placed on Five Years Probation for Sexual Assault of a Minor

Former Green River City Councilman Placed on Five Years Probation for Sexual Assault of a Minor

Allan Wilson has been sentenced to five years probation for one count sexual assault of a minor in the second degree.

GREEN RIVER– Allan Dean Wilson, former Green River City Councilman and and former head of the Green River Parks and Recreation Department, was place on five years supervised probation Thursday morning by the Third Distict Court of Judge Nena James for one count of sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree.

Wilson was first indicted in January 2018 for four counts of sexual abuse of a minor occurring in Sweetwater and Lincoln Counties. Wilson pleaded not guilty to all four charges in June 2018.

On December 17, 2018, Wilson changed his plea, pleading guilty of one count of sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree, stemming from an incident that took place in Sweetwater County in 2013.

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Wilson entered a plea agreement, based on him having no prior criminal history or record. Therefore, the case did not go to trial before disposition. The other three counts have been dismissed.

Wilson’s guilty plea will not be entered if he successfully completes the five year supervised probation.

Part of the terms of Wilson’s probation is that he will not have contact with any minor under the age of 18 without his probation agent’s approval and without supervision, with the exception of his grandchildren. He will not have any contact with the victim, or the victim’s family.

Wilson has submitted to undergo a sexual offender evaluation, which will include a penile plethysmograph. This will be required within 90 days of the disposition.

Wilson will also pay $295 in crime victims compensations fees, court fees, and for an
Addiction Severity Index (ASI) assessment.

Judge James stressed to Wilson the importance of complying with the terms of his probation. If he does not comply, Judge James said she can bring Wilson back to court, enter his guilty plea, and he would be a convicted felon.

She said she could then sentence him up to 20 years in prison, charge a $10,000 fine, or both.