Green River Police say evidence from Afton bank robbery may point towards connection in robbery of WyoChem Credit Union in Green River

Green River Police say evidence from Afton bank robbery may point towards connection in robbery of WyoChem Credit Union in Green River
Donald Sample

GREEN RIVER – The Green River Police Department is investigating a possible connection between the June 1st Wyochem Federal Credit Union robbery in Green River and the August 26th robbery of the First National Bank in Afton.

Lt. Burke Morin of the Green River Police Department told SweetwaterNow that two officers traveled to Afton on Friday to look at evidence from the First National Bank robbery in Afton.

Although the investigation is still in its early stages, Morin said the officers have told him there is evidence which appears to be similar to evidence found after the robbery in Green River.

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Again, Morin stressed the investigation is still very preliminary and said that after the officers returned to Green River, they would take a closer look to see if there is a solid connection.

Local Wyoming Highway Patrol Troopers assisted in catching 56-year-old Donald A. Sample, 20 minutes after the Afton robbery, read about Sample’s capture here.