GREEN RIVER — The Green River City Council will consider approving the submission of an application for a Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Grant (WORG) for improvements at Riverside Memorial Park in the amount of $300,000.
The Council will meet Tuesday, November 15, at 7 p.m. at Green River City Hall. According to Council meeting documents, “the proposed project will create new outdoor recreation opportunities and support additional improvements currently underway.”
The project would utilize WORG funds to create an accessible fishing platform on the main channel of the Green River, add two swinging benches along the Greenbelt Pathway, secure the riverbank along the greenbelt pathway, and add a small shelter.
Grant funds have already been secured from other sources to make additional riverbank repairs, replace the park playground, replace .42 miles of concrete multi-use pathway and add pathway lighting in the park.
This grant asks for a 10 percent match, which would be $30,000. The grant was announced after the FY23 budget was adopted, and a resolution will be needed if the city receives a grant agreement.
If the WORG funding is secured, construction would ideally occur at the same time, which the city staff estimates to begin in August of 2023 with project completion occurring in June of 2024.
Other Business
The Green River City Council will consider approval of the third and final reading of an ordinance that addresses loopholes in the current state statues regarding human trafficking and prostitution.
To view the full meeting agenda, click here.