Athletes of the Week
Curtis Westenskow was nominated as an Athlete of the Week by cross country coach Mr. Steve Boyd. Mr. Boyd said, “Curtis has been a leader of the boys team and ran many miles over the summer. As a result, he has shown a great deal of improvement in his 5K performance. He improved by nearly a minute on the Soda Springs course compared to last year.”
Josie Givens was also nominated as an Athlete of the Week by cross country coach Mr. Steve Boyd. Mr. Boyd said, “Josie is off to a great start to her senior year with a first place finish at the Green River Invite on August 28th and a 10th place finish out of 148 runners at the highly competitive Cardinal Classic in Soda Springs, Idaho.
Student of the Week
Haley Lauze was nominated as Student of the Week by language arts teacher Mr. Colt Klements. Mr Klements said, “Haley is a very ambitious and energetic student. She is enrolled in several college courses this semester and strives to succeed in both her high school and college courses. On top of this, Haley is an ambassador for Green River High School’s Speech and Debate team and has been talking with many students about how great a program it really is. In addition, Haley gave a speech to ALL of the students at Expedition Academy about joining the Speech and Debate team. This took much courage and confidence to stand in front of a crowd of her peers, and for all things above, Haley is well deserving of this award.”
Activities Student of the Week
Caitlin Hart was nominated as Activities Student of the Week by drama sponsor Ms. Terrin Musbach. Ms. Musbach said, “Caitlin is out stage manager for the upcoming fall play, Ramona Quimby. For the past four years, she has been devoted to her growth and the growth of the theater program at GRHS. She communicates incredibly effectively with her peers, offering compassion and empathy beyond her years. Caitlin is intuitive, respectful and insightful when working with others, and also when developing herself. She has been, and will continue to be, a role model for all those around her.”
Wolf of the Week
Gage Byers was nominated as Wolf of the Week by language arts teacher Mrs. Tori Hemphill. Mrs. Hemphill said, “Gage successfully completes all of his work on time. He comes in if he needs assistance. Also, he has a positive attitude in class and makes our time more enjoyable. Getting to know Gage has been a pleasure.”
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