GREEN RIVER — Heather Phillips has been selected as the Sweetwater County School District No. 2 Teacher of the Year.
Mrs. Phillips is the epitome of what an “excellent teacher is” and is a great example of the type of teachers they have at Sweetwater School District #2. Here is a comment from one Ms. Phillip’s colleagues:
Mrs. Phillips models a positive, safe, intuitive, challenging, and fun classroom setting. She consistently promoted 21st learning skills to ensure Monroe Elementary students connect the importance of history and social studies to lifelong learning and every day application. Monroe Elementary students move on to 3rd grade with the tools and understanding of the importance of reading, writing, phonics, math, science, social studies, and social emotional related topics. Mrs. Phillips’ students consistently exhibit high test scores, which gives these students the opportunity to be ready for 3rd grade content. Mrs. Phillips is a person of integrity, persistence, loyalty, passion, empathy, and energy. All of these characteristics and attributes aid her to be a fantastic mentor and it should go without saying that she knows how to mold young minds in a positive fashion. She understands her role as a professional educator. Relationships with students and staff are a real strength of hers. Heather has created a positive impact on building climate in all schools in which she has worked.
Mrs. Phillips will now be considered for the Wyoming Teacher of the Year.