More Flights, More Chances to Fly the Way You Live

And more reasons to skip the drive to Utah and fly Wyoming...
More Flights, More Chances to Fly the Way You Live

Starting May 4, Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport is adding a second flight every Thursday and Saturday!

Before the pandemic, Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport (RKS) was enjoying its second-busiest year ever – right on the heels of three consecutive years of fast growth in passenger activity. That positive momentum was stopped and reversed by the events of 2020… until now.

While we are not back to pre-pandemic air service levels, we are moving in the right direction.

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– Devon Brubaker, Airport Director

Remember the benefits of flying closer to home

The talk about the hassle at Salt Lake City International Airport is not exaggerated! Skip the long walks from the parking lot to your gate, the TSA lines, and the three-hour drive!

Plus, you support the local and regional economy every time you fly Wyoming instead of Utah!

To start checking schedules and book one of the current or new May flights, visit or

Another thing to look forward to…

June 6th – June 11th, the Commemorative Airforce is visiting with both the B-17 “Sentimental Journey” and the B-26 “Maid in the Shade.” Rides and tours will be offered!
Be sure to read more about it at the Airbase Arizona Museum’s website –

Located close to home:

382 Hwy 370
Rock Springs, WY 82901
(307) 352-6880