National Commander Visits Sweetwater County Museum

National Commander Visits Sweetwater County Museum

The Sweetwater County Historical Museum hosted a recent visit from Daniel J. Seehafer, the new national commander of the American Legion. Museum staff provided a gallery tour for Seehafer and his party of local legionnaires. From left to right, Joe Tallon, District 1 Commander; Tony Niemiec, Tom Whitmore Post 28 Commander; John Calderon, Squadron 28 Adjutant; National Commander Seehafer; Dan Allison, Tom Whitmore Post 28 Sergeant at Arms; Dave Mead, Executive Director of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum; Rick Dansereau, Past Department of Wyoming Commander; and William Dansereau. Photo Courtesy of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum.

GREEN RIVER ­ A distinguished visitor stopped by the Sweetwater County Museum Friday.

Daniel J. Seehafer, the new national commander of the American Legion, was at the museum while in Sweetwater County visiting local American Legion Posts. Seehafer is from Beaver Dam, Wisc., and was elected the organization’s national commander Aug. 31.

During his visit, museum staff provided Seehafer a tour and spoke with him about Wyoming history.

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Sweetwater County is home to two American Legion Posts. Archie Hay Post 24 is in Rock Springs while the Tom Whitmore Post 28 is in Green River. In total, there are more than 12,000 American Legion Posts in the United States. The organization’s membership includes many well-known celebrities and public figures, which include 11 U.S. Presidents, Morgan Freeman, Elvis Presley, and Chuck Norris. The organization was originally chartered in 1919 and has nearly 2 million members.