ROCK SPRINGS — Due to inflation costs, COVID-19 impacts, and a new timeframe needed to complete the Crossroads Pump Station and transmission project, the City of Rock Springs is looking at amending the project’s original agreement.
During the Rock Springs City Council meeting tonight, the Council will review a resolution authorizing the City of Rock Springs to support an amendment to the “Green River-Rock Springs-Sweetwater County Joint Powers Water Board Pump Station 2019 Project” Agreement, to adjust the project completion date and amount. This project is also known as the Crossroads Pump Station and transmission project.
According to the agreement, the project is receiving a nearly $7.5 million grant from the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO) with a completion date of July 1, 2024.
In a letter to Jason Mead, Interim director WWDO, Joint Powers Water Board (JPWB) General Manager Bryan Seppie asks the WWDO to allow for the completion project date to change and for additional funding, “Because of increases in construction costs and land acquisitions delays; the JPWB must respectfully request additional funding and an extension of the completion date,” the letter states.
Seppie explains that the initial design work started in March of 2020, however the timeline has changed due to an inability to obtain right-of-ways needed to complete the pump-station project. While one land owner is reviewing final documents, it has set the project back 1 1/2 years. During this time, the pandemic hit and inflation has increased, which is negatively impacting the cost of project, when they can obtain building materials, and delayed delivery of those materials.
The original project costs was estimated at $11.19 million. The new estimated cost for the project is $15.34 million, which is a little more than a $4.2 million increase. Seppie is requesting an additional $2.779 million in grant funds from the WWDO to help cover the costs. He is also requesting the project completion date be extended to July 1, 2026.
Knowing the project is going to cost much more than originally estimated, the JPWB is also pursing alternative funding options and has submitted an application to the State Lands and Investment Board for an American Rescue Plan Act grant. This grant request is for $6.244 million with a match of $1.56 million. The status of this application and review is not known at this time.
To review all of the pump station documents, click here.
Other Business
The Council will look at a resolution to accept a quitclaim deed from the Union Pacific Railroad Company for a 21.6 acre parcel of land for the purpose of constructing a Municipal Storm Water Retention Basin.
Council will also review a resolution to approve a $133,863.50 change order with DeBernardi Construction, Inc. for Segment 1 of the Bitter Creek Rehabilitation Project to account for redesign and reconstruction of the Bitter Creek waterline portion of the project.
The Council will look at appointing Joe Manatos to his firs term on the Fire Civil Service Commission.
To review the entire Council packet, click here. The Council meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20.