November 29th is Small Business Saturday, and provides an opportunity for us to get out, have fun, and do some shopping while supporting our small businesses that contribute so much to the community.
Small businesses contribute an enormous amount to the Rock Springs community. Our small businesses provide jobs, income, and tax revenue which supports everything from our roads and public services to the education of our young ones.
With Small Business Saturday only a couple of days away, it seems fitting to discuss why buying from our local businesses is so important. In addition to the jobs and income they provide for their employees and the products and services they offer to our community, our local, small businesses contribute in a number of other ways.
Here is a little FAQ section about small businesses… and their impact to our community:
What are “Small Businesses”?
The Small Business Administration (SBA) classifies a business as large or small based upon the number of people that firm employs. Small businesses are those that have less than 500 employees on their payroll. These businesses include sole proprietors and partnerships.
What economic impact do small businesses have?
Consider these statistics from the Small Business Administration ( Small businesses make up:
– 99.7% of all U.S. employers.
– 63% of all new private-sector jobs.
– 49% of all private-sector employment.
– 46% of private-sector output.
– 43% of private sector payroll.
What other impacts do small businesses have?
In addition to driving our economy, small businesses contribute in other ways as well. Consider these impressive facts.
– Small businesses produce 13 to 14 times more patents (inventions) per employee than large firms.
– Small businesses employ about 40% of our high-tech workers such as engineers, scientists, information technology workers, and others.
Why should I buy from my local businesses?
– Small, locally-owned businesses support community groups by contributing about 250% more than large businesses to non-profit organizations.
– Small, locally-owned businesses reduce environmental impact in that they are set up in town or city centers, contributing to less transportation emissions, pollution, and congestion.
– Small, locally-owned businesses provide better service by hiring people who live in our community and who take the time to better help customers.
– Small, locally-owned businesses give back to the community by supporting our local churches, charities, schools, and police and fire departments.
You can even bring the kids out to see Santa while having your local purchases gift wrapped for free at the Historic Train Depot (starting at 11 am). Don’t forget about the other events coming up – Santa Saturday’s, ‘Nativity – The Gift” play, Lighted Holiday Parade, Tree Lighting, Craft Show and More! For a schedule of events, please see Downtown Rock Spring’s website at!