SWCSD No. 1 Announces Two Public Forums to Gather Input on District Bus Routes

SWCSD No. 1 Announces Two Public Forums to Gather Input on District Bus Routes

ROCK SPRINGS – Sweetwater County School District No. 1 announced two upcoming forums to discuss the district’s bus routes.

Both forums will take place on Aug. 24, the first from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and again at 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Both forums will take place at the Central Administration Building.

This past Monday, many parents approached the school board with concerns about this year’s bus routes. Concerns raised including making young children walk in adverse, frigid weather, not having safe places for students to walk or cross major roads like Foothill Drive and Sweetwater Drive and safety concerns on bus stops.

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There were also other issues raised such as congestion at Westridge when parents pick up children due to routes being taken away and kindergarten students not being picked up door-to-door anymore.

After public comment on Monday, board member Neil Kourbelas voiced concerns the route information was not made available to the parents sooner and the district did not involve parents in the development of the routes. The board unanimously voted to table the routes. 

The forums will allow parents to provide input. After taking input and making adjustments to the routes, the SWCSD No. 1 Board will then have a special meeting to approve them before the start of school. The information on the forums was provided to SweetwaterNOW by Board Member Max Mickelson.