JACKSON – September 18, 2014 –The Teton County Elections office received information suggesting that a person or persons are going door to door soliciting personal information under the guise of a voter registration drive.
Teton County does not conduct voter registration drives of any kind as Wyoming law requires residents to appear in person at an election office within their county. Teton County Clerk, Sherry Daigle commented “My staff doesn’t go door to door to register people to vote. In order to register to vote you must come to the Teton County the elections office or you may register to vote at your polling site on Election day.”
The Elections Office is located in the office of the County Clerk located at 200 South Willow Street, lower level. Residents should also be aware that the State of Wyoming is exempt from the National Voter Registration Act commonly known as “motor voter.” There is no voter registration available at the Drivers License Division of the Department of Transportation or at any other state agency.
Residents are reminded to never provide their personal information to anyone they do not know and trust. If you have been contacted by someone stating they are conducting voter registration or ask for your personal information please contact The Elections office at 307.733.4430.
Other information about Voter Registration:
To register to vote in Teton County, a person must meet the following qualifications:
Must be 18 years of age on Election Day
Must be a citizen of the United States
Must be a bona fide resident of Teton County and the precinct in which you register
Must withdraw voter registration from any other jurisdiction, if applicable
Must not be a convicted felon or adjudicated mentally incompetent
Persons who meet the above qualifications may also register to vote at the polls on Primary and General Election Days. For more information visit:www.tetonwyo.org/elections or call 307.733.4430
-From a press release