Tiger Talk: Ashley Anderson on Make-A-Wish Week

Tiger Talk: Ashley Anderson on Make-A-Wish Week

Welcome to #TIGERTALK – a SweetwaterNOW exclusive series where Rock Springs High School Tigers inspire our community by telling their stories in their own words.

In my eyes, basketball is more than just a game.

Basketball is another way to build strong relationships, be part of a team, overcome challenges and adversity. We have had highs and lows over the years with our program, but through it all, it has made me stronger, more mentally focused, and eager to win.

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My name is Ashley Anderson and I am part of the Rock Springs High School Lady Tiger Basketball team. I am also a member of the Rock Springs High School Student Council.

This is a big week for both our basketball team and our student council as it is Make-A-Wish week. This week, Rock Springs and Green River compete to raise money for a child in need in our community. The
money raised will be used to provide a local child with their wish! It’s an incredible feeling being part of this.

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Our communities have always come together to help those in need and this is no exception. To help organize this event and then be a part of a huge rivalry basketball game against Green River, it takes a great deal of mental and physical toughness.

The environment in the gym during the Make-A-Wish basketball game is insane. The gym is packed, fans are screaming, the band is playing, the cheerleaders chanting, and players are ready to perform at
their highest level. The nerves you feel as they are about to announce the starting lineups are unreal. It’s one of the best feelings in the world to be part of something like this!

During games like this, both teams are pumped up and want to win, it all comes down to who wants it more and who puts in the most effort. As a team, we are going to control what we can control,
including our attitude, effort, and our focus.

Even though the competition with Green River is so intense to see who can raise the most
money, it is great to see that the community can come together to help a child in our area fulfill
their wish.

Thank you to all of you who have made this such a successful program over the years! I can’t wait to see all of you Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Green River High School to watch the game and to see who comes away with the Make-A-Wish trophy. Win or lose the competition, I feel like everyone in our community wins this week!

If you are interested in donating towards Make-A-Wish please contact Ashley at ashanderson2005@gmail.com or RSHS student council sponsor Amberlee Beardsley at beardsleya@sw1.k12.wy.us.