CHEYENNE — The Wyoming State Museum announced it is reopening to the public on Tuesday, June 9.
To best protect the safety of visitors, the museum has adopted some modified hours and policies for reopening. The museum is now closed Monday for additional cleaning, and is creating special reserved hours for certain groups.
Visitor occupancy numbers will be limited based on state guidelines, and visitors will be asked to maintain social distancing in the museum and it is requested all visitors consider wearing masks.
The Wyoming State Museum Store will remain open to shoppers Monday through Saturday, from 9 am to 4:30 pm.
Updated Hours and Guidelines
General Visitation
Tuesday – Wednesday 11am- 4:30 pm
Thursday – Saturday 9 am – 4:30 pm
Reserved Sensory Friendly Hours
Tuesday 9-11 am
Reserved Senior Citizen and immunocompromised visitors Hours
Wednesday 9-11am
**Closed Sunday and Monday
Visitation Guidelines
· Six feet of social distancing is required between household groups.
· Visitors over the age of two are asked to wear masks at all times while in the museum.
· Maximum occupancy rates will be based on current state guidelines.
· Individuals are asked not to visit if they or someone in their household is sick.