Bureau of Reclamation Announce Changes to Fontenelle Releases

Bureau of Reclamation Announce Changes to Fontenelle Releases

SWEETWATER COUNTY – Officials from the Bureau of Reclamation informed the public about upcoming changes to releases from Fontenelle.

Bureau Civil Engineer/Hydrologist Lee Elizabeth Traynham reported Fontenelle Reservoir is currently at elevation 6500.4 ft (87 percent full). The rate of inflow is roughly 980 cubic feet per second (cfs), with recent daily averages ranging from 900 cfs to 1,020 cfs.

Weather conditions are expected to continue to be relatively cool and dry, though strong storms continue to track southeast of the basin. The Colorado Basin River Forecast Center has forecasted late summer reservoir inflows that are below average. Fontenelle will be operated to accommodate the anticipated hydrologic conditions.

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Beginning Monday, August 17th, at 8 a.m., Traynham said releases from Fontenelle will be incrementally decreased to 1,200 cfs. After the final change at 4 p.m. on Monday, August 17th, releases will remain at 1,200 cfs until further notice.

It is anticipated that releases will be further reduced to a baseflow near 1,000 cfs at the end of August. Traynham explained this is subject to change based on observed hydrology.

Officials are also informing residents that technical issues will prevent the Reclamation website for Fontenelle from being updated with the latest information for the foreseeable future.