PINEDALE — An antlerless bull moose was shot and killed on private property in Pinedale on Monday, January 14, according to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department in Sublette County.
According to Sublette County Attorney Mike Crosson, the reporting party said he contacted the regional Game and Fish office himself, saying he shot the moose in self-defense.
The shooting was confirmed by Game and Fish Regional Wildlife Supervisor John Lund after game wardens and members of the Sublette County Sheriff’s Department arrived on the scene and found the moose with a fatal gunshot wound.
“Upon completion of the ensuing investigation, based upon examination of all available physical evidence and an interview with the reporting party, it was determined by Game Wardens that the moose was shot at very close range in justifiable self-defense as it charged,” said Crosson.
After reviewing all evidence in the case and meeting with lead investigator Jordan Kraft, Crosson concurred that the shooting was legally justified under the circumstances and charges will not be filed at this time.
It appears likely that the moose had become habituated to eating the hay/alfalfa mix feed
located on the property, and was defending this food source when it charged, according to Crosson.
“Please remember that it is critical to always give moose adequate space, take reasonable preventative measures to avoid attracting them to artificial food sources, and to contact Game and Fish immediately if a moose displays any aggressive or uncharacteristic behavior so that the situation can be resolved appropriately by professionals, without injury to humans or the moose,” he added.