Rock Springs Main Street/URA Sets Annual Fund Raiser

Rock Springs Main Street/URA Sets Annual Fund Raiser

Some of the committee members planning the 2015 Kentucky Derby Party – Hats and Horses - are Terri Nations, Lupita Pacheco, Stacy Jones, Taylor Jones and Cathy Greene. Not pictured are committee members Tom and Amy Allen, Liz Strannigan and Leah Lassise.

ROCK SPRINGS — The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) has announced their annual fund-raising gala – Hats and Horses, a Kentucky Derby Viewing Party. Set for May 2 at the newly renovated Freight Station building, the event will feature heavy hors d’ouvres and cocktails. Additionally, attendees are asked to wear ‘Derby Attire’ including big hats and dapper suits. This year’s event is being chaired by Leah Lassise.

According to Lassise, each year the Rock Springs Main Street/URA hosts an annual fund-raising gala and this will be the second year for the Kentucky Derby Party.
Plans are taking shape now, Lassise said. They’ve had several planning meetings and are currently looking for auction items as the party will also feature a silent auction, wine pull and other contests and activities.

Chad Banks, Main Street manager, said the funds from the viewing party will be used for projects produced by the Rock Springs Renewal Fund. The Rock Springs Renewal Fund, Inc. (RSRF) is a non-profit organization that runs parallel to the Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency. The RSRF holds a variety of community events throughout the year, all aimed at meeting the mission of redevelopment and revitalization of properties and businesses in the downtown area.

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Seating is limited at the event so those wishing to attend are encouraged to get tickets early. Tickets are $50 each and available at the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce or Rock Springs Main Street office.

Lassise added that they are looking for new people to help organize the event and anyone interested can contact the Main Street/URA office at 307-352-1434.

From a press release