Consortium Supporting Western Nuclear Training Receives $1.7 Million Grant

Consortium Supporting Western Nuclear Training Receives $1.7 Million Grant

ROCK SPRINGS –– The Idaho Advanced Energy Consortium (IAEC) received more than $1.7 million in a grant award from the U.S. Economic Development Administration through the Good Jobs Challenge. These funds will support the development and delivery of the Advanced Nuclear Workforce Ecosystem (ANWE) projects, including work at Western Wyoming Community College.  

These funds will be used to support the INEC Tech Hub’s regional workforce ecosystem aimed to accelerate the advanced nuclear energy industry. The award will be distributed amongst the regional community colleges to enhance nuclear technician training, nuclear trades curriculum, and transitional workforce training opportunities in the intermountain west.  

The Good Jobs Challenge supports regional workforce training systems to establish sectoral partnerships that train and place workers in good jobs. The Good Jobs Challenge is expanding into more communities across the country with a focus on industries that will define the 21st century economy.   

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 “Western is thrilled to see the Good Jobs Challenge program expanding its impact and addressing critical workforce needs in industries like nuclear energy,” Kirk Young, President of Western Wyoming Community College said. “With the first Natrium nuclear facility being built in Kemmerer, Wyoming, this grant is a game-changer for our region. It empowers us to provide innovative training and create pathways to high-quality, good-paying jobs that will not only support the energy sector but also strengthen our local economy.”