ROCK SPRINGS – The Rock Springs City Council will hear the first reading of an ordinance to increase garbage collection fees Tuesday night.
The ordinance will undergo three readings before it is adopted by the Council. The increase request comes from Wyoming Waste Systems. Michelle Foote, the site manager for WWS, said the increase will address rising diesel fuel costs the company is dealing with, while also providing better wages to its employees. The last time the waste fee was increased was in 2018.
Also on the agenda is a resolution to preserve performing artists’ signatures at the Broadway Theater and provide an alternative medium for future signatures. During the Sept. 3 Council meeting, Mayor Max Mickelson said there were concerns about the practice, saying the city didn’t have control over what was written on the wall and that the city couldn’t do anything if an artist opted to use profane language in their wall signature. The ordinance will preserve the current signatures signed on the wall and give Rock Springs Main Street and Urban Renewal Director Chad Banks authority to provide an alternate means of recording future artists’ signatures.
The Council will also have a special meeting at 6 p.m. to hear an update on a strategic plan for the city’s parks and recreation department. Additionally, the Council will honor Dave Lansang, the parks and recreation department director, before he retires.
Both the special meeting and the regular Council meeting take place at City Hall, with the regular meeting beginning at 7 p.m. A full agenda with supporting documents can be found here. The city also streams the meetings on its YouTube channel.