Protect your student at every age during Immunization Awareness Month!

Protect your student at every age during Immunization Awareness Month!

Preparing for school means gathering up those supplies, filling up backpacks, and planning on what to wear that first day. It’s also the perfect time to make sure children are up to date on their vaccines. Getting all of the recommended vaccines is one of the most important things parents can do to protect their children’s health. We can schedule your child a vaccination appointment with Memorial Hospital Pediatrics at 307-352-8125.


Schools are highly susceptible to outbreaks of infectious diseases because students can easily transmit illnesses to one another as a result of poor hand washing, uncovered coughs and dense populations.


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  • Children age 4 to 6 are due for boosters of four vaccines: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), chickenpox, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and polio.
  • Starting at 11 or 12 –preteens and teens – need Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), MCV4 (meningococcal conjugate vaccine) and HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccines.
  • A yearly flu vaccine is recommended for all children 6 months and older.


As you get ready to send your children back to school, educate yourself. Learn about the benefits and possible side effects of vaccinations.


If you haven’t already, check your child’s immunization record and schedule a visit to their physician or clinic. Doing so now will avoid a potential last minute rush and will help make sure there are no surprises on the first day back to school. Schedule an appointment with your favorite Pediatricians today by calling 307-352-8125! We are now in our new Pediatric Clinic located inside the Medical Office Building & Physician Clinic. We have the most advanced pediatric clinic with the coolest themed rooms!


Memorial Hospital Pediatrics

Dr. Rachelle Vicencio
Dr. Rachelle Vicencio
Dr. William Sarette
Dr. William Sarette
Amy Dolce PA-C
Amy Dolce PA-C

For More information:
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Call the Memorial Hospital Pediatrics (307) 352- 8125