ROCK SPRINGS – A move that would remove the city’s insurance offering to retired city employees over the age of 65 who are eligible for Medicare was tabled Tuesday night, giving employees a chance to do more research on the proposal.
According to Councilman Rob Zotti, who works at an insurance agency, the situation comes from the fact that few employees continue to utilize insurance offered by the city because they’ve found more affordable plans.
“Historically, we haven’t had a lot of participation in the plan,” Zotti said.
He said there are employees who are retiring in a few years who want more time to research and discuss their insurance options. Zotti said tabling the issue will give employees in similar situations a chance to do their own research on if they want the city’s insurance plan and how they would be impacted if it is removed.
As the resolution is worded, those using the city insurance plan would remain on of the plan no longer became available to retirees. Medicare-eligible people over 65 would not be able to use the city as a secondary insurer. There would also be a five-year phaseout period to encourage those using the plan to enter into the private insurance market.
“It is an unfortunate reality that health insurance is incredibly expensive, so the city certainly needs to do its due diligence in looking at how our ability to offer things like this have changed,” Mayor Max Mickelson said.
Mickelson said he isn’t sure if the city gave employees enough time to research the impacts the plan’s removal would have on them, saying he supported the tabling of the motion. The motion was tabled unanimously.