Rock Springs Clarifies Bitter Creek Restoration Project for Bidders

Rock Springs Clarifies Bitter Creek Restoration Project for Bidders

ROCK SPRINGS — The Rock Springs City Council is scheduled to review multiple bids, including one for the completion of the Bitter Creek Restoration project’s first segment at its meeting this week.

The Council is scheduled to meet at its regular meeting on Tuesday, April 5, at 7 p.m. at City Hall. At this meeting, the Council will review bids for the Segment 1 portion of the Bitter Creek Restoration project. The document filed with the city is titled Addendum #3 and is meant to clarify and update several items listed in the first segment of the project.

Some items listed in Addendum #3 include, landscape revegetation, site clearing and grubbing, salvaging the gabion and replacing the riprap, connecting to the water system and creating a concrete seat wall. To review all of the addendums click here.

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The city will also look at accepting a resolution to approve an Airport Coronavirus Relief Grant Agreement with the U.S Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration for around $1 million. This money would go to provide economic relief to the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport.

The Council is also scheduled to approve the annual drinking water quality report. “We are pleased to report that your drinking water is safe and meets federal and state requirements,” the report states.

Under resolutions, the Council will decide whether or not to approve an addendum to the 2020-2022 Collective Labor Agreement between Rock Springs and the Firefighters Local 1499, I.A.F.F.

As for ordinances, the Council will read an ordinance repealing article 4-5 of the city of Rock Springs entitled “Library.” This action is taken place because the Rock Springs Library is currently being treated as an outside agency and therefore this portion is no longer needed.

For appointments, the Council is looking at appointing Greer Ferrero to the county-wide board of health, Clinton Collins to the Rock Springs Historical Museum Board, Ryan Schmidt to the Rock Springs Transportation Committee and David Jarrell to the Urban Renewal Agency Commission.

To review the complete agenda click here.