SWEETWATER COUNTY — The following is a Sweetwater County School District #1 press release:
Sweetwater County School District #1 will be revising the strategic plan this year.
A strategic plan is a roadmap to grow Sweetwater #1 into the future. The current strategic plan was implemented five years ago.
To move forward, the District will begin the community process of strategic planning to review our current standing, set priorities, strengthen operations, and focus energy and resources for students and staff.
A Committee is being formed with varied representation consisting of community and
business members, parents, students, board members, media, and District staff.
Superintendent McGovern stated, “This process will ensure stakeholders are working
toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes, and assess and
adjust Sweetwater #1’s vision and mission. Emphasis is on the importance of
collaboration within the District and between our community.”
The Strategic Planning Committee is not a decision-making entity, but rather a
Committee to provide a plan with recommendations to the District.
The meeting dates include:
• Tuesday, December 5th: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. CAB Board Room
• Tuesday, January 9th: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. CAB Board Room
• Tuesday, January 30th: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. CAB Board Room
• Tuesday, March 6th: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. CAB Board Room
• Tuesday, March 20th: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. CAB Board Room
Community and district stakeholders not serving on the Strategic Planning Committee
will have an opportunity to provide input during a series of public forums that will be
held after the first of the year, or through an email link and social media postings coming
If you are interested in serving on the Committee, please submit an email of interest
to Tonette West, westt@sw1.k12.wy.us or call the Central Administration Building
at (307) 352-3400, ext. 1203 by Thursday, November 30.
Confirmation will come to those interested once the Committee is formed.