Business Council Board Recommends $6.5M For Projects

Business Council Board Recommends $6.5M For Projects

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Business Council Board of Directors recommended $6,513,047 in Business Ready Community grants and loans in Cheyenne.

In all, five BRC project requests were recommended to the State Loan and Investment Board for approval.

The SLIB will consider all 11 grant requests at its 8 a.m. meeting, Jan. 21 in Room 1699 of the Herschler Building in Cheyenne.

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In addition, the Business Council board approved four Community Development Block Grant applications totaling $863,626. Those approvals are final.

The Business Council’s two-day board meeting resumes Thursday when Anne Alexander, director of international programs at the University of Wyoming, speaks about Wyoming’s economic forecast beginning 10 a.m. at the Cheyenne Holiday Inn.

Later, Business Council staff and board members will discuss the agency’s strategic plan in an open, public meeting.

The SLIB will also hold an 8 a.m. meeting Thursday, in the Herschler Building, to consider a$2,935,924 grant to Laramie for construction of a facility to house Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts.

Board meeting materials are available for review.



The board recommended four applications totaling $6,513,047.

The Business Council administers the Business Ready Community Grant and Loan Program, which provides financing for publicly owned infrastructure that serves the needs of businesses and promotes economic development within Wyoming communities.

Business Council staff review each application, conduct site visits or conference calls in the case of planning grants, and make presentations to a board subcommittee before making final recommendations to the full board.

The Business Council board is required by statute to forward BRC grant recommendations to the State Loan and Investment Board for final approval. The SLIB comprises five statewide elected officials: the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer and state superintendent of public instruction.

BRC Business Committed

  • Town of Alpine requests a $2,873,798 grant to purchase 3.6 acres and construct a 20,000 square foot building to house a distillery. (Board recommends funding in full)
  • Casper-Natrona County Economic Development JPB requests a $1,855,433 grant to build a sewer line along U.S. Highway 20/26 west of Casper. (Board recommends funding in full)

BRC Community Readiness

  • Campbell County requests a $1,465,000 grant and a $260,000 loan to buy land and buildings owned by Overland Investments and pave the parking lot. (Board recommends partial funding)

BRC Community Enhancement

  • Bear River requests a $380,000 grant to demolish an existing building and build a new community facility on the site. (Board doesn’t recommend funding)
  • Chugwater requests a $100,645 grant to demolish restrooms in a town park and replace them with ADA-compliant restrooms, a utility room and a concession area. (Board doesn’t recommend funding)
  • Cody requests a $450,644 grant to replace non-ADA compliant park equipment (Board doesn’t recommend funding)
  • LaBarge requests a $248,816 grant to purchase a building to house a new senior/community gathering center and a food bank. (Board recommends funding in full)
  • Newcastle requests a $427,615 grant to build recreation sites. (Board doesn’t recommend funding)

BRC Planning

  • Carbon County requests a $25,000 grant to evaluate the need for senior and at-risk housing alternatives in the Little Snake River communities. (Board recommends partial funding)
  • Glenrock requests a $37,500 grant to develop a Comprehensive Economic Development Plan. (Board doesn’t recommend funding)
  • Platte County requests a $22,500 grant to hire an engineering firm to develop the long-range engineering and design needs for upgrades to South Guernsey Road and Tank Farm Road. (Board doesn’t recommend funding)


The board reviewed four applications totaling $863,626. Before making the final recommendation to the Business Council board, staff reviews each application, conducts a site visit (except CDBG planning grants) and presents to a board subcommittee. The Business Council board determines final awards for CDBG projects.

About the Program: The Business Council administers the Community Development Block Grant program, which is a federally-funded, pass-through grant program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

CDBG Public Infrastructure

  • Fort Laramie requests a $418,750 Public Infrastructure grant to upgrade its electrical distribution system. (Board approves funding in full)
  • Meeteetse requests a $31,515 Public Infrastructure grant to widen the Warren Street walkway and create a bicycle lane. (Board approves funding in full)
  • Torrington requests a $398,361 Public Infrastructure grant to make sanitary sewer and water improvements. (Board approves funding in full)

CDBG Planning

  • Kemmerer requests a $15,000 Planning grant for a senior citizen association feasibility study. (Board approves funding in full)