Aquarius: You might be concerned about how a friend is acting this week, and with good reason. You haven’t had a Bible study session at your favorite watering hole in a long while, leading you to wonder if they’re actually taking what the Good Book offers to heart.
Pisces: A conundrum is eating at you this week, and there’s little hope in solving it for some peace of mind this week. Just what has your wife been listening to that resulted in a $212 bill from Barnes and Noble this month?
Aries: Financial issues are set to compound themselves, though you shouldn’t fret yet. Those accordion lessons are costly, but if you keep working at it, you’ll become the next Lawrence Welk. Then you’ll be rolling in dough.
Taurus: That TikTok ban has you feeling down, but you shouldn’t worry too much – help is on the way! Google, Microsoft, Meta, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Disney, The New York Times, the CCP, and the CIA all have ideas on how to fill the gap.
Gemini: Your concern about what the Wyoming Legislature is doing is well founded and may require you to call your representative and senator for a heart-to-heart conversation. Have you seen House Bill 100? Nothing says quality education like an unqualified teacher with access to ChatGPT.
Cancer: A major decision is on the horizon and it’s best not to jump to a choice. Careful study is the key to making the right decision – you just need to figure out whether to spend $150 on groceries or $150 on that meal subscription plan.
Leo: You’ll make a name for yourself in a way that will be unexpected. Popularity will quickly follow, though you’re not sure why anyone would care about a video of you sharing your thoughts on whether chili should have beans or not at Western Wyoming Community College’s Chili Cookoff.
Virgo: You’ll receive a work-related call that will fill you with dread this week. Thankfully, it isn’t news of an impending layoff, but the “other duties as assigned” portion of your job description will get brought up.
Libra: Cold temperatures will continue to impact your mood this week, leaving friends and family feeling like they’re in a cold war as your mood sours. If you value your ability to be grumpy wherever you want, take note. There is a plan to lock you in your room until your mood improves.
Scorpio: You’ll soon receive an unexpected windfall gracing your bank account. The specifics don’t matter, but it does require you to be accepting of any and all phone calls from mysterious numbers and doing a couple of simple tasks.
Sagittarius: The recent cold temperatures have given you food for thought when it comes to your next home renovation. That cold spot in your bathroom is definitely noticeable at 5:30 a.m. when you’re stepping out of a hot shower.
Capricorn: The old idiom “let sleeping dogs lie” will prove especially accurate this week. Sure, your dog is getting up there in age, but mentioning a word with the letters W A L K will have him bolting to your lap with leash in mouth. The temperatures may be below freezing, but that won’t deter him from exploring the neighborhood’s winter wonderland.