ROCK SPRINGS — At their January meeting, the Rock Springs Main Street/URA Board of Directors approved a $30,000 budget for Façade Improvement and Paint Grants for Downtown businesses. Funds from the various events hosted by the Rock Springs Main Street/URA are used to provide grants to assist with the revitalization of Downtown Rock Springs. Of the $30,000, $25,000 will be set aside for Façade Improvement Grants while $5,000 will be earmarked for Façade Painting Grants.
The Facade Improvement Grant entitles the applicant up to $5,000 reimbursement towards the total
cost of a facade improvement project. The program pertains to exterior improvements only and may be applied to a front, side, or rear facade provided it faces a public street or parking area. This is a matched grant and requires the applicant to pay for 50% of the total cost, while the grant pays for the remaining 50%, not to exceed $5,000.00. Eligible activities include:
- Painting, siding or other exterior enhancement
- Awning, window or door replacement
- Removal of old signage and installation of new, conforming signage
- Tile, pavement replacement between entry and public sidewalk
- Exterior and/or display lighting
- Accessibility improvements for ADA compliance
- Cleaning of exterior brick or concrete
Preference is given to those projects that restore buildings to their historical nature.
The Facade Painting Grant entitles the applicant up to $1,000.00 reimbursement per building. The Painting Grant can be used independently or in addition to the Façade Improvement Grant. The Painting Grant is available for up to 100% of the total cost of paint.
The grant programs are changing a bit for 2015. Applications are due by May 1, 2015. All applications will be evaluated during May for approval by the end of the month. Applicants are reminded that no work should be started prior to grants being reviewed; the Rock Springs Main Street/URA CANNOT pay for work started or completed prior to grant applications being approved. There will be a second round of grants available with a deadline of August 1, provided sufficient funds remain. Grant applications may be obtained from the Rock Springs Main Street/URA website at www.DowntownRS.com or by contacting the office at 307-352-1434.
The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is charged with the redevelopment of Downtown Rock Springs. As part of their mission, there are four standing committees – Economic Restructuring, Organization, Promotions and Design.
-Information and Photos from a press release