United Way Recognizes Local Companies with Spirit Awards

United Way Recognizes Local Companies with Spirit Awards

Ben Hansen, President, and Ozzie Hay, Vice President, of RSNB Bank, accept one of United Way of Southwest Wyoming’s 2019 Spirit Awards from Kelly Frink, executive director at UWSW. They were honored for their commitment to the UWSW workplace campaign. Courtesy photo

SOUTHWEST WYOMING — United Way of Southwest Wyoming (UWSW) presented Red Horse Oil, RSNB Bank and Solvay Chemicals with 2019 Spirit Awards last week for their commitment to UWSW’s workplace campaign.

“Each of these companies has a long-standing relationship with United Way and has continually had higher than average participation rates,” said Kelly Frink, executive director of UWSW, “we wanted to recognize these companies and their employees for their loyal support and energy around the campaign.”

Companies that participate in the United Way workplace campaign, give their employees the opportunity to make a pledge for the upcoming year. “The best way to maximize a donation is through payroll deduction. This gives employees a way to make an easy, significant donation throughout the year,” said Frink. Employees make a pledge and then the company withholds funds through payroll deduction that they send to UWSW.

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Funds raised through the campaign are used to further UWSW’s initiatives: education, health and basic needs. With the help of their funded community partners, UWSW is working to ensure that children succeed in school, that families are safe, have food on the table and can meet their basic needs. They also work to increase independence for senior citizens.

Solvay Chemicals was awarded one of United Way of Southwest Wyoming’s 2019 Spirt Award commitment to the UWSW workplace campaign. Pictured: Solvay Chemical employees Ouisha Dean and Elda Reyes, Kelly Frink, Executive Director of United Way of Southwest Wyoming and Todd Brichacek, Surface Operations Manager of Solvay Chemicals. Courtesy photo

“We want kids to succeed in school. To do this, they also need supports along the way: a safe place to go after school, enough food to eat and a safe place to live. We want their families to thrive as well. We also want senior citizens to be able to live in their homes as long as possible in a safe and healthy way,” Frink said.

“This is all possible because of our generous donors and the support of so many local companies who have stepped up to say, we care and we will help,” Frink added.

Amber Plemel and Jay Schneiders, President, of Red Horse Oil accept one of United Way of Southwest Wyoming’s 2019 Spirit Awards for their commitment to the UWSW workplace campaign. Courtesy photo

Companies interested in offering a workplace campaign can contact Frink at 362-5003 or kfrink@swunitedway.org.  These awards, and others, are typically awarded during UWSW’s annual celebration event, but due to the pandemic was cancelled. UWSW plans to announce more awards in the upcoming weeks.