Aquarius: Being mindful of what Valentines Day cards your children give out will help them avoid potentially awkward situations. Removing the card that says “I choo-choo-choose you” will help your daughter avoid painful future interactions with that boy who eats paste
Pisces: A quiet week awaits you following what was one of the busiest times you can remember. However, while some appreciate some downtime, boredom will consume you and you’ll find yourself asking for extra tasks by the end of Tuesday.
Aries: With Valentine’s Day coming up, you have plenty of time to plan that perfect date with your beau. Take note however, there’s a reason why those dates often involve a nice dinner. Most dates don’t go well if they take place in an ice fishing tent on a frozen lake.
Taurus: Legislative action will spur you into becoming more politically active in the coming weeks and months. While you might be inclined to use the word “freedom” in the political action committee you plan to set up, know that other words will communicate that “freedom from the Freedom Caucus” idea you’re pushing.
Gemini: Your intuition may pay off this week. Figuring out just who has been taking your snacks from your desk will give you a chance to confront them by sticking some ultra spicy chips in your bowl of Doritos.
Cancer: Attempting to recapture your childlike wonder will help you enjoy your down time. While it is an important aspect to have, attempting to recapture it by visiting the local McDonald’s PlayPlace will only bring strange looks and a conversation with the police.
Leo: A new venture will have you absolutely buzzing this week. While others may question your business acumen, pay those naysayers no attention as you launch your landscape window painting service for people tired of looking at gray clouds and bare trees.
Virgo: Caution should be exercised when you attempt to change your phone’s alarm tone this week. Something not jarring enough to jolt you awake may cause you to get a few additional hours of rest and a stern call from your boss. I get it, I wish I could just sleep through February too.
Libra: The earthquakes west of Green River may cause you some mild concern this week, but they’re not omens of bad news to come. The only warning they’re giving is to visitors at Little America to not eat so much fast food while they’re traveling Interstate 80.
Scorpio: With the big game coming up next Sunday will have you excited about the party you’re planning. Sure, you and your friends couldn’t care less about who wins but think of how excited your daughter and her friends will be to see shots of Taylor Swift pretending to enjoy the game.
Sagittarius: You will continue to be unimpressed by the local weather this week. So what if Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow? You live in Wyoming. It’ll be winter till at least mid-April at the earliest.
Capricorn: Your pet may put you in an awkward position this week. That position being you reaching under your truck to coax him towards you after he decided to go on a neighborhood run. Nearby children might giggle at you, but your dog truly is your best friend.