Aquarius: A week of adventure awaits you and you’ll be surprised by where it takes you. You won’t leave the house and will venture into the basement for an afternoon after you unwittingly agree to a session of “Dungeons and Dragons” with your daughter and her friends.
Pisces: The festive spirit will remain in your home for the foreseeable future. Sure, your extended family has gone home for the year, and you won’t be expecting any more company until Feb. 9, but the Christmas tree looks great in the corner of the living room. Its blinking lights still bring a smile to your face – so much so you may decide to keep it up until August.
Aries: An eternal question will rear its ugly head this week and will be a welcome re-emergence in your life. Your leftovers will (finally) run out this week, prompting the question, “What do you want to eat tonight?” I’ll even help you out here: vote for tacos.
Taurus: With continued commitment, you’ll see eventual success. Just a week into the new year and you’ll see fewer people working out when you’re hitting the weights. Keep it up and you’ll get the results you’re aiming for: that perfect Wolverine cosplay you’ve been dreaming of.
Gemini: Groans of agony will be music to your ears this week. Your kids are going back to school and with it, that final return to normalcy you’ve been craving. Instead of coming home to what can be only described as “moderate chaos,” they’ll be busy with homework and activities, leaving you with the peace and quiet you desire.
Cancer: A new chapter of your life will begin this week. After watching the neighborhood kids cut across your yard as they walk to school, you step outside and finally tell them to stay out of your yard. Congratulations, you’ve entered middle age.
Leo: With the after Christmas sales going on, you’ll be challenged not to make a financially irresponsible decision this week. Sure, you don’t need a slushie machine, but that slushie machine would look great on your kitchen counter.
Virgo: This week will be illuminating when it comes to your career aspirations. What some would call imposter syndrome is really you being acutely aware of your limitations at work and the fact you’re always teetering at the edge of total incompetence.
Libra: You will experience a liberating feeling this week. That liberation comes from finally not caring about what other people think. Afterall, you’ve met other people, haven’t you? They’ve got no room to judge you.
Scorpio: Excitement for that hot date at the end of the week will consume your thoughts. No need to worry, just be yourself. Not your true self though, that needs to be introduced slowly over time. Admitting to having a fascination with NASCAR’s Richard Petty is not a great way of starting a dinner discussion.
Sagittarius: Scheduling time with your parents this week will help in reassuring them that you haven’t forgotten about them. Your mother’s sudden appearance on your doorstep and question about if you have a good rice pudding recipe will seem odd at first, but convince you to spend more time with her to ensure she hasn’t been replaced with some sort of supernatural creature seeking rice recipes.
Capricorn: You’ll break a heart this week and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Your dog’s best friend, that stuffed animal that’s been with your pet since their earliest days, has seen better days and better smells. Sticking it in the washer or even tossing it in the trash will be seen as an act of treason. Not even steak will cheer your pet up.