ROCK SPRINGS – At their regularly scheduled meeting on November 4, 2014, the Rock Springs City Council unanimously voted to appoint Maria Mortensen to the Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) Board of Directors.
Maria has been a member of the Rock Springs Main Street/URA’s Promotions Committee since 2011 and chaired the committee for the last two years. She’s worked on various Main Street/URA events and programs including the Halloween Stroll, floats for the Downtown Lighted Parade, Rods & Rails and Sweetwater Blues & Brews.
Maria has been the Health Services Manager at Head Start for 19 years. She loves Rock Springs and all it has to offer. She is a passionate volunteer for the URA and champion of the community.
Maria and her husband, Heath, have made Rock Springs their home and raised their children here. They both have deep roots here in Sweetwater County.
The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is charged with the redevelopment of Downtown Rock Springs. As part of their mission, there are four standing committees – Economic Restructuring, Organization, Promotions and Design. For more information on the program, contact the Rock Springs Main Street/URA at 307-352-1434 or visit their website at